Tweet Please take part in our survey below. What do you want from your County Council Current Priorities and Finances Highways and Transport You and your views Your details Leave this field blank If you could improve one thing in your local community, what would it be? How do you feel about house building in your local area? Which THREE of the following issues below are most important to you? Affordable homes reserved for local people Supporting local shops and businesses Improving air quality Leisure, libraries and culture Keeping Council Tax low Improving green spaces and parks Recycling and rubbish collection More support for renters Parking Reducing waste an bureaucracy Road and pothole repairs Caring for older and vulnerable people School place provision Protecting green spaces Improving transport Tackling congestion Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour The Labour government is taking away up to £300 in Winter Fuel Payments from 19,521 pensioners in Ely and East Cambs. How do you feel about this? I agree I disagree I'm not sure The average band D home in East Cambs now costs £2255.48 in Council Tax. How do you feel about this? It's too high It's about right It's too low Conservative run East Cambs District Council has frozen it's part of the Council Tax for 11 years. But the County Council led by the Liberal Democrats has increased its share by the maximum allowed every year. And the Labour Mayor has introduced his brand new charge on Council Tax bills. Lib Dem led South Cambs District Council is paying staff 5 days pay for a 4 day working week. Essentially giving them 52 days extra holiday per year. How do you feel about this? I agree I disagree I'm not sure